Open letter from the European social economy

11 Mar 2024 | Expertise and positionning

Social economy actors in the circular economy have taken up the challenge of addressing environmental concerns while fostering economic and social development. Not only do they promote sustainable consumption habits and reduce textile waste by prioritising local reuse and repair, they also play a crucial role in supporting local communities. By providing training, education, and employment opportunities, they combat social exclusion and uplift marginalised communities, including the Roma, refugees, people with disabilities and others facing barriers in the mainstream labour market. On top of that, social enterprises offer affordable second-hand clothing and repair services, which mitigates the impact of the cost-of-living crises and addresses material poverty. 

No other actor in the textiles value chain can claim to bring equivalent benefits to both people and the planet. We count on policymakers to build on social economy actors' proven track record to strengthen their role through the revision of the WFD and in the EPR Schemes for textiles. 

Read an open letter, co-signed by us alongside over 80 European and national organisations.